10th NASS: Group rejects deliberate twist in leadership tussle

The Oduwa Frontiers has observed the manifestation of a grand plot to paint a dark picture of the incoming President, Bola Tinubu, and by implication the entire Yoruba nation by introducing a new deliberate twist in the leadership tussle for the National Assembly.

According to the statement released by the Group spokesperson over the weekend, Kolawale Adediji Kazeem, said the calculation design is to give the incoming administration of Bola Tinubu a bad name even before it takes off, is without a doubt, part of the disturbances that have been created since the emergence of a South Western presidency.

He said, “As stakeholders in the affairs of the South-west and Nigeria generally, we hereby corroborate the Chairman of the Southern Governors Forum’s views and adopt all the issues raised which are very sensitive, not only to the president- elect and the APC, but also to the corporate existence of the country.

“In particular, the despotic move to zone the National Assembly leadership positions to suit certain vested interests with false love for the President-elect only aims to set a dangerous foundation of distrust and suspicion as traps to undermine the coming administration.

Meanwhile, just recently, even though well deserved, President-elect turned down every opportunity to be annointed as sole candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC for the presidential election and instead, insisted on democratic primaries.

Would therefore be misplaced to believe that a man with such high commitment to democratic processes would be involved in such unconstitutional actions.

Oduwa Frontiers therefore joined the Southern Governors Forum and other concerned Nigerians in calling on the National Working Committee of the APC to follow the path of honour and justice by reversing the unsolicited, unpopular zoning proposal and allow democracy and its tenets to thrive.

The Group called on the President -elect, Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu to interrogate this skewed arrangement and give direction that reflects our collective commitment to equality, fairness, and inclusivity as basis for participatory democracy.”

Oduwa Frontier, also warned the President-elect not to wave aside the views of the Southern Governors Forum and majority of his genuine lovers in other regions, in order to avoid falling into the traps laid to set him up against other sections of the country and damage the image of his administration even before it takes off.

The Group hereby state thier strong position that the manner in which the party leadership directly meddled in the affairs of the legislative arm of government, which is an independent body, amounts to an infringement on the constitutionally guaranteed legislative independence and autonomy.

It is therefore expedient for the APC to allow open contest for interested candidates irrespective of region or geopolitical zone and allow members of the National Assembly to vote for their leaders.

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