650,000 people died of AID-related illnesses last year – Blinken

United States Secretary, Antony Blinken has said that with 650,000 people having lost their lives to AIDS-related illnesses last year, the United States government remains committed to working with its global partners to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

In a statement released to commemorate the World AID Day on every Ist of December which the Secretary of State said it reminds the world that HIV/AIDS continues to pose a threat to global health and global health security.

According to him, “The data released today by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) indicates that we are making steady progress to address the gaps that continue to put people at risk, particularly the most vulnerable populations. 

“Over the nearly 20 years since the program began, PEPFAR has saved 25 million lives. PEPFAR’s success is the result of close to two decades of bipartisan support across presidential administrations and from the U.S. Congress.

“That unwavering support is evidenced by the more than $100 billion investment in the global fight to end HIV/AIDS through PEPFAR. We will continue our commitment to sustained support of these efforts to help reach the goal of ending AIDS by 2030”, he said.

The Secretary of State added that PEPFAR also relies on partnership. “Since inception, the program has built global partnerships with multilateral and public-private organizations, communities, governments and the private sector.

“Together, we have taken the bold action required to protect and advance global HIV/AIDS gains and we will continue our focus on these targeted efforts in the midst of the needs to address other health crises around the world.

“Since 2020, our effort has included supporting COVID-19 responses in PEPFAR countries by leveraging the robust public health and clinical platforms established by PEPFAR”, he recalled.

Blinken said further this year’s theme “Putting Ourselves to the Test: Achieving Equity to End HIV” emphasizing accountability, action and affirms the Administration’s dedication to ending HIV/AIDS, domestically and abroad, through an approach that centers on fighting inequities, advancing equality, and rallying the world to end HIV as a global health threat by 2030.

“As we approach the 20th anniversary of PEPFAR, guided by the PEPFAR five-year strategy released today, the United States government will continue to support the global HIV/AIDS response with great determination in close collaboration with our partners, who share our commitment to saving lives and ending this pandemic”.

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