Aid: 40 trucks already entered Gaza as EU clamours for more

The European Union High Representative, Josep Borrell has said that the first day, 20 trucks were allowed to go into Gaza and day after, 20 more were allowed while on normal times, without the war, 100 trucks entered into Gaza every day, saying its clear that 20 [trucks] can not be enough for humanitarian aid for the people.

In his remarks at Luxembourg to continue discussing the situation in Israel [and] Palestine after the October 7th terrorist attacks launched by Hamas against Israel, the EU spoke on the call of the United Nations for a humanitarian pause, which is also needed, even for giving back the hostages.

He further stated that “The [European] Commission, we – the European Union – have increased our support, but there are queues and queues of trucks waiting to enter. They have to enter, and they have to bring the things that are badly needed, in particular, the fuel needed to make – I repeat – the desalination of water.

Then, we have to discuss about the political process. The peace process has been forgotten for too long. The great powers have forgotten about the Palestinian issue thinking that it was going to be solved alone or that it does not mater – yes, it matters.

“Yes, we have to continue working on that. We launched this initiative [Peace Day Effort] during the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Now, there is for sure the need, it has to be upgraded, and we will start discussing about that”, he added.

Speaking about the humanitarian pause, Borell said that in Cairo, it was very much discussed, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations asked for it, assuring that it will be on the table of the leaders at the next meeting [of the European Council]. “How can we not discuss about it? Certainly, we will.

“We showed our strong support to Israel because they have been [suffering] one of the biggest attacks against the Jewish people – and this has to be very much condemned and we do it. But we have to also take into consideration the innocent Palestinians being killed. They are also victims of Hamas. We have to show exactly the same concerns for every civilian being killed”.

The EU High Representative who cannot anticipate the result of the meeting on humanitarian pause, but said it’s certain something on which the ministers will have to discuss, and I know that the leaders, in a couple of days, will have to discuss [it] too.

“But the Secretary-General of the United Nations asked for it very much. Personally, I think the humanitarian pause is needed in order to allow the humanitarian support to come into [Gaza] and being distributed. I think that half of the population of Gaza has been moving from their houses”, he said.

Blessing Chinagorom:
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