Canada announces $64m to build, repair 214 homes in Hamilton, Ontario

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has announced a joint investment of nearly $64 million from the Government and the City of Hamilton to build and repair 214 homes for families in Hamilton, Ontario.

According to the statement, Trudeau joined by Mayor of Hamilton, Andrea Horwath to make the announcement on Monday, adding that it build on 7,255 homes the federal government has invested to build and repair in Hamilton since 2015.


Canadian Government taking this urgent action to make housing more affordable for students who rent, families who own, young couples looking to buy their first home, which reduce burden of finding affordable place to live that has become increasingly difficult.

According to the statement, “We know that not enough homes are getting built in our communities, so we are rapidly investing to build more homes, faster. Fixing our housing supply problem will drive down the cost of housing for Canadians”.

Since 2015, the government has helped almost two million Canadians find a place to call home across the country – and there is more to do. “When we invest in more affordable housing for Canadian families, we create jobs, grow the economy, and strengthen the middle class”.

The Prime Minister said, “All across the country, I hear from Canadians that the cost of housing is a top concern – and that’s why we are rapidly investing to build more homes.

“Today’s investment to build and repair hundreds of homes in Hamilton will make housing more affordable, create good jobs for the middle class, and grow economy”, Canada’s Trudeau added.

The Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Sean Fraser reacting to this announcement said, “Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. Today, we are delighted to announce the funding of over 200 homes in Hamilton to support the needs of individuals and families.

“These homes are key to responding to the housing needs in Hamilton. This is one of the many ways the Government of Canada’s National Housing Strategy is ensuring that no one is left behind”, the Minister said.

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