Canada commits $36m to strengthen access to abortion services

The Canadian Government has revealed that more than $38.9 million has been committed with additional commitment of $36M via Budget 2023, so as as citizens can have access to safe and consistent reproductive health services, including abortion.

The Honourable Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, the Honourable Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, Marci Ien in a statement made the announcement of over $4.2 million in funding from the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Fund to the University of British Columbia.

Which is the Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART) and Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights for their projects. These projects, funded by Budget 2021, will improve access by removing barriers to vital abortion services and offer accurate reproductive health information for Canadians.

Although the abortion has been legal in Canada for five decades, many people, citizens continue to experience barriers to access. Sexual and reproductive health is health care and the Government of Canada will always defend a woman’s right to choose while improving access for everyone.

While every person’s story and circumstances are unique and barriers can vary in different regions, they often include the unavailability of services nearby, being unable to afford the costs of travel to access abortion care, and difficulty in accessing sexual and reproductive health services that are culturally-responsive and stigma-free.

Previous experiences of discrimination within the health care system also make it more difficult for many members of marginalized groups to get the care they need; this is a reality for Indigenous and racialized people, members of 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and youth.

The statement added that UBC-CART will receive $3,833,486 in funding, to address barriers to abortion access and information for underserved populations in Canada, saying the project will improve access by working with organizations to develop training resources and materials for health care professionals and patients.

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights will receive $428,236 in funding to expand its Access Line and Sexual Health Information Hub programs, building on Health Canada’s initial investment of $2,291,773 in 2022.

The expansion will help increase the project’s reach and accessibility of information and services for underserved populations. This project will also improve access to financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation costs, as well as logistical support to individuals accessing abortion care.

The SRH Fund was established through Budget 2021 with an initial investment of $45 million to improve access to sexual and reproductive health care. To date, over $38.9 million has been committed with an additional commitment of $36M through Budget 2023.

These investments reflect the Government of Canada’s belief that everyone has the right to make decisions about their own bodies and that no matter who you are or where you live, we will always protect sexual and reproductive health rights for all individuals in Canada. 

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