COP28: PDP queries Tinubu over 1,411 Nigerian delegates in Dubai

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has queried President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over what it described as over-bloated delegation of 1,411 individuals to the Conference of the Parties (COP28) in United Arab Emirates, which delegation is reportedly brimming with his cronies, political minions and their mistresses at huge expense to the nation.

The PDP held that this incidence is a further validation that Tinubu-led administration is wasteful, frivolous, reckless in application of the scarce resources of the nation, especially at a time Nigerians yearning for prudent management of resources to achieve the desired infrastructural regeneration, job creation and revamping of the economy.

The PDP dismissed the feeble attempt by the Presidency to rationalize the over-bloated delegation by trying to hide under genuine sub-national officials, businesses, journalists and Civil societies who are travelling at their own expense to cover baggage of cronies, mistresses and other hangers-on associated with the Presidency who are reportedly attending at government’s expense and have no relevance whatsoever at the Conference.

According to the statement released by the Spokesman, the Party said further that all well-meaning Nigerians are appalled by the level of profligacy inherent in All Progressive Congress administration whose actions and policies so far are skewed towards the promotion and institutionalization of corruption.

“The attempt to deceive Nigerians even when the list of the delegation is in the public domain, shows that the APC administration is irredeemably depraved.

“We ask, why would a country whose citizens are dying daily from inability to purchase necessities be willing to fritter its resources and scarce foreign exchange in such a manner? It only points to the fact that this administration is not interested in the good of the generality of our citizens but for a select few positioned to fleece the nation’s resources.

“We challenges the Presidency to come clean by making public the names of the official delegation sponsored by the Federal Government to the Conference, the relevance of such individuals to the Conference and the total cost of such sponsorship on the nation.

“Of course, Nigerians have the list and they know the genuine, officials of sub-national governments and other self-sponsored entities at the Conference”.

PDP called on the National Assembly, pursuant to its Constitutional duty under Section 88 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) which empowers it to investigate and expose corruption by any organ of Government, to immediately commence investigation into this embarrassing revelation and impose appropriate sanction on anyone or Institution found culpable in that regard.

“We also demands that President Tinubu should be ready to refund any Federal Government fund improperly spent to sponsor any individual who has no relevance at the Conference. Such funds should be channeled to projects that have direct bearing on the wellbeing of Nigerians”.

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