Curfew declared as Bio speaks on security breach in Sierra Leone

The Sierra Leonean President, Julius Maada Bio has revealed that in the early hours of Sunday morning, there was a breach of security at Military Barracks at Wilberforce in Freetown, where unidentified individuals attacked the military armoury.

Bio, in his national Address after the security breach said though, the attackers have been repelled by combined team of Sierra Leonean gallant Security Forces and calm has been restored but vowed to hold those responsible accountable.

The President who on his Twitter (X) account has earlier declared national curfew to root out remnant of this event fled after repelled by the combined security forces while encouraged citizen to stay indoors.

According to him, “As the combined team of our Security Forces continue to root out the remnant of the fleeing renegades, a nationwide curfew has been declared and citizens are encouraged to stay indoors”.

He added in his address that most of the suspected leaders have been arrested. “Security operations and investigations are ongoing. We will ensure those responsible are held accountable through due process.

Bio acknowledged the bravery and dedication of the armed forces, police, and all those who played a role in defeating this attempt to undermine the peace and stability the nation have worked so hard to achieve. “Their commitment to defence of democracy deserves our deepest gratitude.

Sierra Leonean leader thanked citizens for complying with the security measures and advise everyone to remain vigilant and to cooperate with the security forces. “Fellow Sierra Leoneans, in times like these, we are reminded of the importance of national unity.

“Let us not succumb to fear or division. Let us come together as one people, one nation. Our strength lies in our unity, and it is through solidarity that we can overcome challenges that come our way”, he said.

He called on all political leaders, traditional leaders, civil society, and citizens across the Sierra Leone to continue working to preserve the peace of our nation.

Bio said, “As your Commander in Chief, I want to assure everybody who is resident in Sierra Leone that we have overcome this challenge, and together, we will continue on the path of progress and development”.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email:
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