EU condemns assassination of Presidential Candidate in Ecuador

The European Union (EU) has condemned in the strongest terms the assassination of the presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, adding that this tragic act of violence is also an attack against the institutions and democracy in Ecuador.

The High Representative of the Union, Josep Borell who made the condemnation on behalf, called for strong protection measures for all electoral candidates are crucial in order to ensure a free democratic electoral process.


He expressed EU’s solidarity with the Ecuadorian government and people, in particular the family of the deceased, in this difficult time, while urged that perpetrators, organisers of this heinous crime must be brought to justice.

Borell reiterated EU full commitment to support Ecuadorian democracy and help efforts to ensure peaceful democratic elections while disclosed that an EU electoral expert mission is currently in Ecuador and following closely the electoral process.

He said the EU stands with Ecuador in its fight against the worsening violence by organised crime and will continue its cooperation with the Ecuadorian authorities to address this huge challenge, including in the framework of recent memorandum of understanding.

Meanwhile, it was reported that Ecuador has declared a state of emergency following the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio.

The former journalist was fatally shot after a campaign event in Quito less than two weeks before the August 20th election.

He was 59 years old and an active congressmember before Ecuadorean President Guillermo Lasso dissolved the National Assembly in May.

Report futher said in recent weeks, the Presidential Candidate openly discussed having faced death threats for speaking out about the links between the government and organized crime.

While the BBC reported that a criminal group called Los Lobos, meaning The Wolves, has claimed responsibility for his killing. One suspect was shot dead after the assassination.

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