EU hails UN votes demanding end to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory

The European Union Commission has acknowledged the votes in favour of great significance adoption by the UN General Assembly of a Resolution demanding inter alia end to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory within one year.

EU High Representative, Josep Borell who made the acknowledgement in a statement while reacting to the significant votes, said the UNGA forcefully reaffirmed commitment to the realization of the right of Palestinian people to self-determination.

Which he also said include Palestinian right to an independent and sovereign State, living side by side in peace and security with Israel, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly.
According to him, “This is first UN General Assembly Resolution ever introduced by the State of Palestine, the text of which had been built on the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion.

“Also, on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, of 19 July 2024”.

He added, “In line with its longstanding common position and UN Security Council Resolutions, I reiterate the call for a lasting and sustainable peace.
“And reaffirm that the EU will not recognise changes to the 1967 borders, nor Israeli sovereignty over the territories occupied since 1967, unless agreed by parties”, the European Union High Representative said.

Report has it that the UN General assembly passed a resolution demanding an end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land within 1 year on Wednesday

The resolution comes after the International Court of Justice, the world’s highest court, issued an advisory opinion in July stating that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land is illegal and must end.
The resolution is not legally binding, though it does reflect world opinion of Israel as it continues to commit genocide in Gaza, killing at least 41,000 Palestinians, nearly half of whom are children, in less than a year.

This number is a severe undercount as over 10,000 Palestinians remain missing under the rubble and countless more are killed through the indirect effects of Israel’s genocide, like starvation, deprivation of medical care, and disease.

The United States—which continues to back, fund, and arm Israel’s genocide—was one of only 14 countries to vote against the resolution. Still, it passed with the vast majority of votes, 124, supporting the resolution.

Though the Biden administration continues to work against all attempts to stop Israel’s ongoing violations of international law in the West Bank and Gaza, it’s clear to the vast majority of countries across the world that Israel’s violence must be stopped to save Palestinian lives.

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