EU reacts over 5 execution in Kuwait, opposes death penalty

The European Union has regretted the execution of five individuals in Kuwait today, 27th of July 2023, including one drug-related person.

According to the statement released by EU Spokesman, while noted with concern the increasing use of capital punishment in the country, following the executions of last November.


It stated further that as a matter of principle, the EU strongly opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances.

Added that, “It is an inhumane punishment, which has been proven ineffective as a deterrent to crime and represents a denial of the fundamental right to life and human dignity.

The statement noted that the European Union will continue to work for the abolition of the death penalty in the few remaining countries that still apply it.

Kuwait reported on Thursday, the  execution of five prisoners, including an inmate convicted over bombing of a Shiite mosque in 2015 that killed 27 people and was claimed by the Islamic State group.

The inmates were hanged at the Central Prison, Kuwait’s Public Prosecution said in a statement while one of the convicted murderers was Egyptian, another was Kuwaiti.

Also include the man convicted in the mosque attack, Abdulrahman Sabah Idan, three people convicted of murder and a convicted drug dealer from Sri Lanka.

The 2015 bombing occurred during midday Friday prayers inside the mosque, one of Kuwait’s oldest for Shiites.

The Islamic State group, which at the time controlled large areas in both Syria and Iraq, claimed the attack, which wounded over 220 people. The Sunni extremist group views Shiites as apostates deserving of death.

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