Guterres seeks SDGs global rescue plan, says only 15% target met

 The United Nations Secretar-General, Antonio Guterres has called for the Sustainable Development Goals rescue plan, saying only 15 per cent of the targets are on track, with many of these goals going into reverse.  

In his opening remarks at the SDG
Action Weekend on Saturday, Guterres said Monday’s SDG Summit will be the moment for governments to come to the table with concrete plans and proposals to accelerate progress.

According to him, “But we all need to step up. To the civil society groups and young people among us, I salute your courage and conviction as you fight for the SDGs. And I know that true activism is tough. 


“That it comes at a cost. That it often comes at a risk to your safety, your health, your liberty — even your life. I grew up in Portugal under Salazar dictatorship and did not experience democracy until I was twenty-four years old.

“I saw the dictatorship oppressing not only its own citizens, but also people under colonial rule in Africa. But I also saw something more. I saw the struggles of people around the world to drive change forward.  

“So I urge you all to keep going. And to the members of the business community here today — I urge you to see that sustainable development is in fact the best business plan of all. That upholding human rights, putting people before quick profit, and protecting the planet and its natural gifts are investments in future prosperity for all.  

“To the women and young people joining us — keep calling out for change in your communities, and fighting for your rights and a place at every table.

“To the scientists, academics and innovators here — a sustainable future depends on pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and finding new ways to serve all people. So keep going.   

“To the local authorities here — the SDGs will not be rescued in New York. They will be rescued in your communities. So continue listening to the people in your communities, and embedding their needs and concerns across your policies and investments. 

Guterres noted that the United Nations belongs to the women and men who are bringing the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals to life, year in and year out in your communities and countries.  

He said, “It belongs to the civil society groups engaged across every aspect of global development — from health and education, to jobs and social protection, to environmental, climate and gender justice.   

“It belongs to the young people who have joined us — raising their voices about injustice, inequality, peace and the climate crisis. It belongs to the activists who are standing against oppression, discrimination, racism, and who relentlessly holding leaders to account for the decisions make or too often, they fail to make”.  

The UN Chief said further that the United Nations is at the heart of the Spotlight Initiative to help end violence against women and girls, while urged member States to support additional and much needed investments to tackle this age-old scourge. 

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