Houthis’ attacks on shipping driving up food prices – US cries out

By Blessing Chinagorom 

The enormous Houthis’ attacks on civilian shipping are driving up prices and causing delivery delays in critical humanitarian items, such as food and medicine in places where it’s needed most, the United States says.

The US in a statement released by the State Department Spokesman, Mathew Miller on Thursday condemned the reckless and indiscriminate attacks on civilian cargo ships by the Houthis.

It said, “The Houthis are behaving like a terrorist organization, attacking civilians, civilian shipping, and innocent mariners, revealing the detention of the crew of the Galaxy Leader, consisting of 25 people from five different countries.

United States described this as piracy, adding that this is adversely affecting those in need of assistance around the world, including in Sudan, Ethiopia, and in Yemen itself. “Many of the ships that the Houthis have attacked contained food, such as grain and corn, headed for those countries.

“And contrary to what the Houthis may attempt to claim, their attacks do nothing to help the Palestinians. Their actions are not bringing a single morsel of assistance or food to the Palestinian people”.

US stated that the Houthis continue to demonstrate disregard to the Yemeni people. “On February 16, they attacked a civilian ship and disabled it, risking spillage of fertilizer and fuel into the sea and threatening Yemen’s fishing industry.

“On February 18 and 19, the Houthis attacked other civilian ships, including the Sea Champion, which was bringing corn and other food supplies to the Yemeni people in Aden and to Hudaydah”, US recalled.

It said further that the United States is taken pains to ensure that its sanctions and other actions to impose costs on the Houthis do not restrict commercial shipments or humanitarian assistance to the people of Yemen.

Adding, “The Houthis actions, in contrast, are preventing the delivery of food and essential items on which the Yemeni people rely and making it difficult for humanitarians to do their essential work, endangering an already fragile humanitarian situation.

“The Houthis are alienating the world community and putting the peace process in Yemen which parties, including the Houthis, have painstakingly negotiated over the last two years in jeopardy. The United States has been very clear that we do not want conflict in the Red Sea.

“We and our partners will continue to take appropriate action, as needed, to protect freedom of navigation and commercial shipping from Houthi attacks in this critical international waterway and to safeguard vital economic and humanitarian assistance to countries in the region”.

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