How 79% of 18-year-old pupils gained first choice University in UK

The overall results of the final session examination that came out on Thursday revealed that 79% of 18-year-old pupils in the United Kingdom receiving a decision of gaining a place at their first choice University.

Young people across United kingdom celebrated results as thousands of them moving on to university, apprenticeships adding that, 16,530 students who received free school meals (FSM) have also gained a place at university which is a 60% increase from 2019.

The Education Secretary, Gillian Keegan who congratulated the pupils receiving results on Thursday, said there are more opportunities than ever before so whatever their results, he js sure they will have a bright future ahead of them.


“It’s fantastic to see the number of young people accepted to university – including to their first choice – continue to be up on the years before the pandemic, while thousands more go off to exciting apprenticeships and the world of work.

“As always, there are a wide range of fantastic options for those who did not get the results they hoped for, and students can find out more by visiting the UCAS website or through the National Careers Service”, Keegan added.

It was reported that grading is returning to normal, this year, 27.2% of UK entries for A levels achieved a grade A and above, slightly higher than 25.4% in 2019, before pandemic and 76% of UK entries achieved a grade C and above, in line with 75.9% in 2019.

While this year has seen mathematics continue to be the most popular A Level since 2014 as well as record-breaking numbers of A Level entries in computing, producing over 16% more entries than last year.

The data from this year’s results day show 34.8% of entries from free schools and 25.4% of entries from academies getting a grade A or above – compared to 22.0% of entries from local authority maintained comprehensive schools.

Around 3,400 T Level students received their results on Thursday as the second ever cohort completed the new, high quality technical qualification. 90.5% of T Level students achieved a pass or above.

T Levels offer a wide range of progression options as many of these students will also go on to do apprenticeships, and UCAS has today revealed that 1,220 T Level students have been accepted into university, demonstrating the value and reputation of these qualifications.

Over 250,000 certificates were awarded for those completing their Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications.

Almost £5 billion has been made available to help pupils to recover from the impact of the pandemic, including over £1.5 billion for the National Tutoring Programme and 16-19 Tuition Fund, which have supported millions of students in need of extra support. 

Nearly four million tutoring courses have now been started through the National Tutoring Programme, including over 1.3 million so far this academic year.

There are other options available than university. Apprenticeships offer people of all ages and backgrounds the chance to gain the skills they need to build successful careers, while making sure employers can access the skilled workforce they and the economy need to grow.

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