How US stood by Moldova during an incredibly difficult 2022 – Sandu

Moldovan President, Maia Sandu has expressed gratitude to United States for standing by her country through the year 2022 which she claimed was incredibly difficult year for the country (Moldova).

Sandu showed her gratitude when she met the United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in Germany recently, she said United States have been by their sides at every step of the country managing the difficult challenges in energy, economy, security.

She explained how United States have helped provide compensations to people so that they could afford to buy to pay for heating and gas and electricity. “United States also helped us diversify the energy resources. 

“In the economic area, you helped us support the small and medium enterprises because they had to face a very high inflation.  Some of them lost the markets because of the war in Ukraine”, the President added.

Moldovan President thanked United States on behalf of her citizens. “I would like to thank you, to thank the United States for the comprehensive assistance that we have been receiving.

“United States have been helping us in strengthening our security. You have been helping us modernizing the army, dealing, fighting the cyber threats and disinformation”, Sandu acknowledged.

Speaking earlier, Secretary of State, Antony Blinken who has said it’s an honor to be with Moldova President Sandu, someone whose leadership in an incredibly challenging time greatly admired. 

He said further that as United States stand strongly with the country in support of its security, independence, territorial integrity, the very important reform efforts that the president and the government are making. 

Likewise United States deeply concern about some of the plotting that are coming from Russia to try to destabilize the government, but appreciated the efforts that the good efforts being made by Moldova to protect against that.

Blinken hailed Moldova’s strong economic program which is helping to suppress a perfect storm of challenges coming from outside that have had a big impact inside the country. 

As Energy remains a big component of Moldova’s strong economic program, he noted that the United States will remain a strong supporter of the efforts that Moldova’s making to diversify its energy supply so that it can have real resilience, and fall price. 

“And we will continue the work that we’re doing to support Moldova’s economy, the energy sector reform, and also of course its security. And we very much look forward to working with the very, the new government in the weeks and months ahead”.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: