Kenya: Saburi urges Rabai Parliament member to spearhead projects

Community empowerment leader in Kilifi County Rabai Area, Kamoti Saburi has urged Rabai Member of Parliament to spearhead construction of the medical college in Rabai to help efforts of employing more health workers in Rabai.

Speaking to media in Kilifi County, Kenya recently, Kamoti said the move will improve the lives as well as add economic value to Rabai.



“I urge Rabai member of parliament to follow up on the construction of Kenya Medical Training College so as to enable health education to improve health standards in Rabai. Said Saburi Kamoti.

Additionally, Kamoti has urged leaders and other stakeholders to address the water scarcity problem as it affects the healthy lives of Rabai residents.



According to Kamoti devolution still has challenges and the communities still lack opportunities derived from the devolution.

“Talent has not been fully tapped and the youths still don’t have sports gears to be efficient in the football matches, “said Saburi.




According to Political Analyst Mshenga Ruga devolution has reduced the inequalities that were seen in 2010, where political alignment was greatly seen where those who lost in politics, marginalized development except utilizing the Constituency Development Fund.

Moreover, the Constitution of Kenya mandates allocation to every county, where the forgotten areas are now seen developing bringing the government to the people where as in pre devolution days leadership was seen in the Capital City Nairobi whereas now the Chief Executive lives in the County.

This comes at a time where Kenyan counties are showcasing the fruits of devolution in attaining 10 years.

Thurea Mwadzaya:
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