Niger: UK, AU, UN worries over deteriorating conditions of Bazoum

The United Kingdom, African Union and United Nations Human Rights have expressed concern about the rapidly deteriorating conditions in which President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger, his wife and his son have been arbitrarily detained.

In a separate statement released by these Bodies and the United Kingdom on Friday, who joined the  ECOWAS Heads of States to call for immediate release of Nigerien President, his wife, son and other government officials holds in detention.

Recall that the the ECOWAS Heads of States in its Communiqué had said it will holding Nigerien Military junta accountable to the safety and security of President Mohamed Bazoum, his family, and detained members of the constitutional government.


In his comment, the UN Human Rights Chief, Volker Turk who said he is extremely concerned about the rapidly deteriorating conditions in which President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger, his wife and his son have been arbitrarily detained.

Volker Turk disclosed that credible reports he had received indicated that the conditions of Bazoum’s detention could amount to inhuman and degrading treatment, which he said violated of international human rights law.

He said, “I have received reports that electricity has been cut, and they have no access to clean drinking water – amid hot temperatures in Niger – and to necessary medicine.

“Those responsible for the detention of the President must ensure the full respect and protection of his human rights, and of all others being held”, the UN Human Rights Chief said.

The United Kingdom in a statement released by Foreign Commonwealth Development Office on Friday, stand with ECOWAS in condemnation of the illegal detention of Bazoum, his family, and members of government, as well as unacceptable conditions under which they are being held, and called for their immediate release.

UK expressed support the ECOWAS in calling for the restoration of constitutional order and democracy in Niger. “We welcome determination of ECOWAS to pursue all means to bring about a peaceful resolution. We stand in support of democracy in Niger”.

Also, the African Commission Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat expressed the Commission deep concern at reported poor conditions of detention of Bazoum, saying the concordant sources attest to a worrying deterioration of such conditions.

The Union called on the military authorities to urgently halt the escalation of relations with the regional organization ECOWAS, including the cessation of continued sequestration of President Bazoum in worryingly poor conditions.

He said such treatment of a democratically elected president through a regular electoral process is unacceptable while called for the immediate release of President Bazoum and all members of his family and government who are illegally detained with him.

The Union noted that their detention flies in the face of Nigerien law and the founding principles of the AU and ECOWAS, urging on the entire international community to unite efforts to save the moral and physical integrity of President Mohamed Bazoum.

Media Bypass News had earlier reported that Niger’s democratically elected President, Mohamed Bazoum, was overthrown, detained by his guards on July 26, 2023 and the call for his release ECOWAS, AU and international community have proven abortive.

On Friday, the United States Goverment has said it will be joining the ECOWAS Heads of States to hold Nigerien Military junta accountable to safety and security of President Mohamed Bazoum, his family, and detained members of the constitutional government.

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