NSCDC support PLWD, sets up disability duty desks Nationwide

The Commandant General, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Ahmed Abubakar Audi, PhD, mni, OFR, has affirmed his readiness to give full scale support to the protection of Persons Living With Disabilities (PLWD) in the country.

He made this known while inaugurating Disability Duty Desk Officers across its formations nationwide during the opening ceremony of a 2-Day training organized by the National Commission for Persons Living with Disabilities (NCPWD) in collaboration with NSCDC for the new desk officers at the Corps National Headquarters, Abuja.

Which was contained in statement released by the Corps Spokesman Olusola Odumosu, speaking through the DCG in charge of Administration, Zakari Ningi, fdc, the CG charged the desk officers to ensure that the rights of persons living with Disabilities are well protected in line with provisions of Nigeria’s constitution and the UN Charter.

He affirmed that the Corps is ready and willing to collaborate with relevant bodies, agencies or authorities in not only protecting their rights but guiding against any form of abuse.

According to Audi, “People living with disabilities are our brothers, our sisters and families, they need our care and support.

“On our part, we have set up the disability desk in all our formations across the country to assist in protecting and attending to issues of abuse or stigmatisation against PLWDs in the country.

He enjoined Nigerians to rally round them by making sure their rights are not violated or taken advantaged of because they are vulnerable people.

“We must not discriminate against them but give them the necessary support because they deserve the best of treatment”, CG said.

He assured of the Corps’ undiluted cooperation with the National Commission for Persons Living with Disabilities (NCPWD) to drive the process.

The Executive Director, National, Commission for Persons Living with Disabilities, Mr James David Lalu, in his remarks, reiterated that collaboration with NSCDC is required to integrate persons living with Disabilities fully into the society.

He said there is need to stop the humiliation and discrimination meted on PLWD from the general public.

He stated that, the Corps has employed high sense of commitment in fighting the menace of Oil theft, including the protection of Critical National Assets and Infrastructure Nationwide and therefore solicited that same energy should be channelled to the fight against discrimination against these vulnerable Nigerians.

He expressed confidence that, the Civil nature of the Corps and its wide presence in every Local Govts Areas and districts of Nigeria, will make the efforts to give sense of belonging to victims of abuse and discrimination easy to achieve.

He continued that every family has one or two persons living with disabilities, hence, the need for collective collaboration of all Nigerians against discrimination of persons living with Disabilities in the society.

Mr James disclosed that when their rights are protected by law enforcement agencies such as NSCDC, the general public will begin to view them differently.

In the same vein, the Ag. Director, Compliance and Enforcement, NCPWD, Barr Ikem Uchegbulam, stated that the training is necessary to equip the NSCDC officers with the required knowledge and skills to handle persons living with Disabilities, hence, the need for the training put together.

The CG later added with an assurance that, officers and men of the Corps will continue to ensure fair, just and equitable treatment of persons living with disabilities and advised all Nigerians to offer assistance to them where necessary to make life easier and better for them as they all form parts and parcel of the society.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: admin@mediabypassnews.com
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