Over 60 nominees yet to be confirmed US Ambassadors – Blinken

The Secretary of State to United States of America, Antony Blinken has expressed serious concern over delay in Senate confirming State Department nominees for Ambassadorships.

In a Press Briefing on Monday, the Secretary of State who explained that he sent letter to Senate telling them how these delays undermining the national security and weakening the ability to deliver for the American people.

Blinken said at present, the State Department has more than 60 nominees with the Senate. “Thirty- eight have completed all the other steps and are on the Senate floor awaiting confirmation. Of those 38, 35 are career Foreign Service officers. 

According to him, “Now, that number is going to keep going up, as more sitting ambassadors complete their tours, more nominees come forward. By the end of the summer, we expect Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon will all be without confirmed U.S. ambassadors. 


“Eight nominees are awaiting confirmation for posts in African countries. And it’s not just the Middle East and Africa where we’ve got this problem: Ambassadorships are open in Asia, in Europe, in Latin America, as nominees await confirmation”, he said. 

Blinken revealed that during the current Congress, only five nominees have been confirmed while judging from the previous administrations, he said the overwhelming majority of career nominees received swift support to advance through the Senate by unanimous consent. 

“Today, for reasons that have nothing to do with nominees’ qualifications or abilities, they are being forced to proceed through individual floor votes. Over third of those nominees have been waiting approximately a year or more – some longer than 18 months.

“These nonpartisan public servants have served for decades across Republican and Democratic administrations. They represent our most skilled, our most seasoned diplomats. Their talents are products of generations of investment by American taxpayers”.

Blinken said to defend US national security, sustain and strengthen its alliances and partnerships around the world, and ensure that foreign policy is advancing the interests of the American people, best possible team needed on the field. 


“By failing to confirm these nominees, a handful of senators are keeping our best players on the sidelines. Now, I worked in the Senate for years. So, of course, did President Biden. 

“I respect and value its critical oversight role; it’s crucial to ensuring that we have highly qualified individuals representing the United States around the world. But that’s not what is happening here. 

“No one has questioned the qualifications of these career diplomats. They are being blocked for leverage on other unrelated issues. It’s irresponsible. And it’s doing harm to our national security.

He pointed out that confirming these nominees matters, saying every member of Congress knows that these ambassadors are the face of the United States in the countries where they serve, “our leading advocates for and with foreign governments and citizens.

“We have extraordinarily dedicated and qualified career officers who are serving as chargés in these countries where the positions are left open – and I’m immensely grateful for their service. But all of them would tell you the same thing: There is a difference between a chargé and a confirmed ambassador.

“Foreign governments know that ambassadors carry the full weight of the President of the United States and the United States Senate.  As a result, ambassadors often have greater access and influence, where they, which they can use to advance the interests of our country. 

“Here’s who loses out when we don’t have a U.S. ambassador in place in a given country: American companies, investors, and entrepreneurs who want to do business there. American citizens who live in that country or experience an emergency while they’re overseas. 

“American students who study there, American tourists who visit.  And the citizens of those countries, who yearn for and benefit from deeper ties with the United States and with our people. Our department and the entire U.S. government lose out as well.

“Not having a confirmed ambassador in a given country makes us less effective at advancing every one of our policy prioritie from getting more countries to serve as temporary hubs for SIV processing.

“To bringing on more partners for global coalitions like the one we just announced to combat fentanyl, to support competitive bids for U.S. companies to build 5‑ and 6G networks and other critical infrastructure projects around the world.

“We also lose sight to the insights into countries that our ambassadors uniquely can develop through the unique relationships that they have at the highest levels of government, business, civil society.

“Now, here’s who benefits from failing to fill these essential positions: America’s adversaries.  Only our adversaries, who are constantly looking to exploit any weakness or any opening to their advantage.

“The refusal of the Senate to approve these career public servants also undermines the credibility of our democracy. People abroad see it as a sign of dysfunction, ineffectiveness – inability to put national interests over political ones”, Blinken said.

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