So far 217 aid trucks entered Gaza as foreign nationals exits

The United States State Department Spokesman, Mathews Miller has said that humanitarian aid have been intensified in Gaza with 59 trucks entered through Rafah crossing on Monday, so far the highest in a day, making it a total of 217 trucks received.

Miller disclosed this during a Press briefing on Wednesday while revealed that foreign nationals including American citizens have started to depart Gaza through the Rafah crossing which will continue over the next several days.

According to him, “It has been a top priority for the United States to get Rafah open, not just for trucks coming in, but for U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals coming out.

“As a result of these efforts, an initial group of foreign nationals, including U.S. citizens, departed Gaza through Rafah today, and we expect exits of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals to continue over the next several days.

“We want to make sure we can get U.S. citizens and their family members out as safely as possible. In the past 24 hours, we have informed U.S. citizens and family members with whom we are in contact that they will be assigned specific departure dates.

“We have asked them to continue to monitor their email regularly over the next 24 to 72 hours for specific instructions about how to exit. The U.S. embassy in Cairo is standing by to provide assistance to U.S. citizens as they enter Egypt”.

He added that, though the situation remains have been extremely fluid, but this is an important breakthrough. “And we will keep working on it to ensure that all of the U.S. citizens who wish to depart safely from Gaza can do so”.

Speaking of humanitarian assistance, Miller said as a result of US efforts to accelerate the delivery of international humanitarian aid, 59 trucks entered Gaza through the Rafah Crossing on Tuesday.

“Representing the highest number of trucks in a single day to enter Gaza since the humanitarian corridor began on October 21st, and bringing the total number through yesterday to 217.

“Trucks continue to enter today, and we expect today’s number to surpass yesterday’s just as yesterday’s number surpassed the day before’s, as we continue to ramp up deliveries to Gaza”, he said.

State Department spokesman revealed that the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken will travel to Israel and Jordan on Friday, adding that the Secretary will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and other leaders of the Israeli Government to receive an update on their military objectives and their plans for meeting those objectives.

“Blinken will reiterate U.S. support for Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international humanitarian law, and discuss the need to take all precautions to minimize civilian casualties, as well as our work to deliver humanitarian assistance.

He noted that Blinken’s meetings in Jordan, will underscore the importance of protecting civilian lives, and US shared commitment to facilitating the increased sustained delivery of lifesaving humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, the resumption of essential services, and ensuring that Palestinians are not forcibly displaced outside of Gaza.

“Blinken will also reaffirm the U.S. commitment to working with partners to set the conditions for a durable and sustainable peace in the Middle East, to include the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“Which will reflects the aspirations of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank – and in the West Bank. And of course he will continue to discuss the ongoing work to secure the release of all hostages”, he said.

Since 7 October 2023, the escalating crisis in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory has caused large numbers of civilian death and injuries. In the Gaza Strip, airstrikes and a lack of medical supplies, food, water and fuel have virtually depleted an already under-resourced health system.

Hospitals have been operating far beyond capacity due to rising numbers of patients as well as displaced civilians seeking shelter. The provision of essential health services – from maternal, newborn care to treatment for chronic conditions have been severely compromised.

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