South Africa unveils Mandela’s statues in commemoration of his day

South Africa has unveiled the former President, Nelson Mandela’s statues in commemoration of his day, July 18, and in honour to his unwavering commitment to the freedom of his people and as a founding father of democratic in the country.

The ex-President Mandela’s birthday is commemorated in testament to his role as a revered statesman, unifier and above all, as peacemaker with international observance having been declared by the United Nations in 2009, a day celebrated around the world.

The erection of this statues contributes to the creation of memorialisation programmes in honour of President Mandela’s unwavering commitment to the freedom of his people and as a founding father of democratic South Africa.


While in commemoration of this day, the South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa took a tour of museum exhibition featuring statues of the former President, Nelson Mandela depicting key milestones in the story of his life at Bhunga Building in Mthatha, Eastern Cape.

The Nelson Mandela Museum is distributed across 3 sites: Mvezo, Qunu and the Bhunga Building. The museum welcomes thousands of tourists each year from across the world, boosting the local economy and creating job opportunities in the tourism sector.

Speaking at the statue unveiling, the President said there are many monuments paying tribute to Madiba across South Africa, across Africa and in many parts of the world, from Palestine to the United Kingdom, Seychelles, Senegal, Cuba, the US, Brazil, China, France, and many other places.

According to him, “Since 2021 the Eastern Cape Provincial Heritage Resource Agency, the Mandela family, the Nelson Mandela Museum and the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture have been driving this process – a process that included public consultation.


“As human beings we are the sum of many parts, and Madiba was no different. Our upbringing, our culture, and many other factors shape our lived experiences. The statue we unveiled earlier today in Mthatha depicts Madiba in the role for which he was most well-known, that of a statesman.

“It is our hope that this homage to Madiba in his final resting place will serve as an inspiration especially to the young people in the community. It is to remind you that the seeds of greatness lie dormant within each one of us, and that it is up to us to make them germinate and bloom.

“It is to remind you that being born in a rural area, or having humble beginnings, is no obstacle to achieving greatness, and to fulfilling your destiny. It is to remind us of all our duty to do what we can to make the world a better place”, Ramaphosa said.

The President noted that monuments, statues, and museums have a key role to play in the political and cultural life of any country. “They are a means of giving recognition to those who suffered hardship, repression, exile, or death in pursuit of universal ideals such as human freedom. 

“Monuments such as this one are the struggle of memory against forgetting. These statues of Madiba are beacons of hope to individuals and communities that are still suffering from the evils of marginalisation, and the scourges of poverty, inequality and underdevelopment. 

“This statue should serve as reminder to those of us elected to serve the South African people that we must redouble our efforts to build a better South Africa that leaves no-one behind. To quote Madiba’s own words, as long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality still exist in our world, none of us can truly rest”.

Ramaphosa thanked the Chief Executive Officer of the Nelson Mandela Museum, Dr. Vuyani Booi, the Programme Director, Mama Graça Machel, and members of the family for agreeing to collaborate with the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture on this project. 

The President called upon the people of South Africa to protect and look after these sites of memorialization and commemoration. “I have no doubt they have the potential to attract tourists which will in turn support business and job creation”, he said.

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