Tinubu speaks tough over attempted coup in Niger Republic

Nigerian President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu double as the Chairman of the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS), has stated clearly that his leadership will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger Republic or any part of West Africa.

Tinube reacted as the leadership of ECOWAS region over the attempted coup plotted against the President of Niger Republic, Mohamed Bazoum, following a blockade of Presidential Palace by the Niger Presidential Guards on Wednesday.


Earlier, the Nigérien President twittered that elements of the Presidential Guard engaged in an anti-Republican mood movement and tried in vain to obtain the support of the National Armed Forces and the National Guard.

It added that the military was standing ready to “attack the elements” behind the mutiny “if they do not return to better feelings.” The fate of President Mohamed Bazoum, was unclear, although the presidency said that he was safe.

Tinubu in his message titled Unpleasant Development in Niger Republic said it’s should be quite clear to all players in Niger that the leadership of the ECOWAS Region and all lovers of democracy around the world will not tolerate any situation that incapacitates the democratically-elected government of the country.

According to him, “I wish to say, we are closely monitoring the situation and developments in Niger and we will do everything within our powers to ensure democracy is firmly planted, nurtured, well rooted and thrives in our region.

“I am in close consultation with other leaders in our region, and we shall protect our hard-earned democracy in line with the universally acceptable principle of constitutionalism.

As the Chairperson of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, I state without  equivocation that Nigeria stands firmly with the elected government in Niger and equally conveys absolute resolve of leaders in our sub-region that we shall not waiver or flinch on our stand to defend and preserve constitutional order”.

Ecowas released a statement, denouncing in the strongest terms the attempt to seize power by force and calls on the coup plotters to free the democratically- elected President of the Republic immediately and without any condition.

The ECOWAS highlighted they will hold all those involved in the plot responsible for the security and safety of the President, his family, members of the government and the general public.

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