Turk raises alarm on attempts to undermine legitimacy of UN, others

The United Nations UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk has raised alarm over the attempts to undermine the legitimacy and work of the United Nations and other institutions.

The Commissioner who disclosed this during 55th session of the Human Rights Council on Monday added that undermining legitimacy includes disinformation that targets UN humanitarian organizations, UN peacekeepers and his Office.

According to him, “The UN has become a lightning rod for manipulative propaganda and a scapegoat for policy failures. This is profoundly destructive of the common good, and it callously betrays the many people whose lives rely on it.

“The UN is uniquely equipped to enable States to discuss and resolve pressing global issues – and this convening power is particularly vital now, when the magnitude of conflict, planetary peril, digital transformation requires urgent solutions.

“UN humanitarian agencies assist hundreds of millions of people to stay alive. The UN’s development and peace work is absolutely crucial to all nations. My Office is mandated to monitor and report on human rights

“Because States have agreed that rights and justice are the best, and only, way forward. The work of opening dialogues, protecting rights is not comfortable for everyone – but it is essential to all of us”, the High Commissioner said.

He urged the need to overcome the binary view that “if you are not for us, and against our enemies, then you too must be an enemy. Within countries, “us versus them” illogic is creating increasingly dangerous and combustible divisions, in pre-electoral periods this year.

“All this is a politics of distraction, of warmongering, which slowly numbs our deepest sense of compassion. Especially at a time of deep division and fear, seeing the humanity in the other is the lifeline that can tug us away from disaster”.

Human Rights Boss drawn the strength and hope from last year’s powerful tributes to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “the testimonies we heard from so many people, and the significant pledges that were made.

“The power of human rights is rooted in their universality, the equal value of every human life that is at their core. The same human rights standards should be deployed, and must be benchmarks for future progress – not high-water marks from which can be receded”, he said.

The High Commissioner launched “Human Rights: A Path for Solutions”, the distillation of work that has gone into commemoration year, in the hope that it will inform the Summit of the Future.

He said the launch sets out eight messages which will guide renewed action for peace; economies that work for people and planet; effective governance; and guardrails for digital and scientific progress. “It broadens the way we think about rights, in ways that can transform societies and our global community.

Turk reminded that Secretary-General’s announcement of the UN’s Protection Pledge, and the Agenda for Protection, will ensure entire UN gives priority to advance human rights in every circumstance, no matter how challenging. “I look forward to working with colleagues across the UN to implement this Pledge”.

He recalled that Member States and many partners came together at the December high-level event to commemorate 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “This was an important moment of reflection on the successes and failures to implement human rights.

“Also, how we can do better in the future. It was the culmination of a rich, year-long engagement across the world which resounded with demands that the world deliver on the promises of the Universal Declaration.

“Demands for action to end conflicts. To eradicate discrimination. To heal our distorted economies and our battered environment. Demands for quality services, such as education and healthcare.

“For an end to corruption. For a voice in one’s own future. And over again, demands that States change course – to bring humanity the benefits of greater justice, more inclusive development, greater equality, and peace”, the High Commissioner added.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: admin@mediabypassnews.com
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