UK accuses Russia of cyber interference in democratic process

By Blessing Chinagorom

The United Kingdom and its allies have today (December 7th) exposed a series of attempts by the Russian Intelligence Services to target high-profile individuals and entities through cyber operations.

According to the statement by Department of Commonwealth and Development office stated that the British Government judges that this was done with the intent to use information obtained to interfere in UK politics and democratic processes.   

The UK Govt who condemned the attempt disclosed that the Centre 18, a unit within Russia’s Intelligence Services, the FSB, has been identified as being accountable for a range of cyber espionage operations targeting the United Kingdom.

It pressed further that the activity was in turn conducted by Star Blizzard; a group that the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a part of GCHQ – assesses is almost certainly subordinate to FSB Centre 18.   

“While some attacks resulted in documents being leaked, attempts to interfere with the politics, democracy have not successful. Star Blizzard is also commonly known as Callisto Group, SEABORGIUM or COLDRIVER and is operated by FSB officers.

“The group has also selectively leaked and amplified the release of information in line with Russian confrontation goals, including to undermine trust in politics in the UK and likeminded states”. 

Moreso, following a National Crime Agency investigation, the UK has today sanctioned two members of Star Blizzard for their involvement in the preparation of spear- phishing campaigns

And associated activity that resulted in unauthorised access and exfiltration of sensitive data, which was intended to undermine UK organisations and more broadly, the UK government. 

In a statement to the House of Parliament earlier today the Minister for Europe Leo Docherty emphasised that attempts to interfere with UK politics and democracy have not been successful.

However, it is likely that Russia and other adversaries will continue to make attempts to use cyber means to interfere in UK politics.

The NCSC alongside the US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada will today publish a cyber security advisory to inform network defenders of how to mitigate this activity, and NCSC will publish guidance for high-risk individuals whilst providing further information around support available.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron said: Russia’s attempts to interfere in UK politics are completely unacceptable and seek to threaten our democratic processes. Despite their repeated efforts, they have failed. 

In sanctioning those responsible and summoning the Russian Ambassador today, we are exposing their malign attempts at influence and shining a light on yet another example of how Russia chooses to operate on the global stage.  

We will continue to work together with our allies to expose Russian covert cyber activity and hold Russia to account for its actions”, he said

Meanwhile, the activity announced today is part of a broader pattern of malign cyber activity conducted by Russian Intelligence Services across the globe. In recent years the UK and allies have exposed Russian Intelligence for role in ViaSat, SolarWinds, and targeting of Critical National Infrastructure.

In May, the NCSC alongside Five Eye partners exposed a sophisticated cyberespionage tool designed and used by Centre 16 of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) for long-term intelligence collection on sensitive targets. 

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