UK announces £5m funding for Somalia in fight against terrorists

By Blessing Chinagorom

The United Kingdom (UK) Government has allocated a further £5 million in funding for the United Nations Support Office in Somalia through the UNSOS Trust Fund.

According to the publication by the British embassy in Somalia on Wednesday, stated that the UNSOS Trust Fund provides non-lethal support to the Somali Security Forces (SSF) in their fight against al-Shabaab.

Which reinforces the UK’s commitment to enhancing the capabilities of the SSF to ensure the safety and security of Somalia and the wider region. 

It stated further that the Trust Fund, administered by UNSOS, plays a crucial role in providing non-lethal logistical support to the SSF, including vital resources such as rations, tents and lifesaving medevac assistance.

While the Trust Fund currently supports 14,900 Somali National Army and 1,000 Somali National Police forces and with the support of contributing countries like the UK is aiming to boost support to 18,900 SSF.  

“Continued support to troops will not only contribute to the ongoing counter-terrorism efforts against al-Shabaab but also facilitate the further development of SSF’s capability through provision of logistical support such as fuel and rations but also the materials to set up forward operating bases (‘field defence stores’).

“Increasing the capability of the SSF is an essential component of the ongoing security transition process in Somalia, which has seen the SSF take on greater responsibility for ensuring national security and stability.

Communications equipment will also be provided to increase the operational readiness and effectiveness of the SSF, while the UK remains a steadfast supporter of the transition process and a committed partner in Somalia’s fight against terror.

Speaking on this development, British Ambassador to Somalia, Mike Nithavrianakis said this latest round of support from the UK will make a vital difference to Somali Security Forces who are working tirelessly to defeat violent extremists like al-Shabaab and restore stability in Somalia and the region.

He added that the UK will continue working side by side with the Federal Government of Somalia and other partners to ensure a safe and secure future for all Somalis. We go far when we go together.

Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of UNSOS, expressed gratitude for the UK’s continued support, emphasising its significant impact on bolstering the capabilities of the Somali Security Forces.

Kacyira highlighted the UK as a central and dedicated donor to the Trust Fund enabling UNSOS to support the logistical priorities of Somalia Security Forces. 

She reaffirmed UNSOS’s commitment to providing essential logistical support to the Somali Government, supporting endeavours to establish a stable and secure Somalia. 

This new UK funding follows a substantial contribution of £5 million in December 2023. Since 2022 the UK has given over £20m of voluntary contributions in support of UNSOS, supporting a safer Somalia and going far, together. 

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