UK provided international protection to over half a million people

By Blessing Chinagorom 

The United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative to World Trade Organization and United Nations in Geneva, Simon Manley in a statement delivered at Global Refugee Forum held recently, revealed that since 2015, the country has provided international protection to over half a million people.

He also disclosed that the United Kingdom has fulfilled each of the pledges that was made back in 2019 making the country among the top five donors globally to refugee responses, admitting that his country need to do more.

According to him, “Today, we are going further and making 15 pledges to tackle a whole range of issues such as: Improving access to education; Tackling gender-based violence; Supporting the Rohingya and their host communities;

“Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to predict and prevent conflicts and crises; Building resilience of refugee and host communities to climate impacts; and providing sustained support to refugees who settle in the United kingdom”, he added.

Manley pointed out that the world is living in a time of unprecedented international challenges, with global displacement at extraordinary levels and rising, but hailed countries for rallying around to support the growing number of refugees around the world.

He said, “Conflict, pandemics, and climate change have had an enduring impact on us. But as the challenges increase, so must our efforts”.

While acknowledging the continued generosity and leadership of host nations and communities, saying they all play a vital role in providing sanctuary to forcibly displaced people.

According to him, “Without your leadership, they would be forced to go on dangerous journeys, risking their lives and exploitation from the most vicious people traffickers.

He emphatically believe the Global Compact on Refugees is the best strategy to support refugees and their host communities.Which he said it plays fundamental part in ensuring the international protection regime is fit for the 21st century.

“And that it protects the most vulnerable in our communities, including women and girls, the LGBT+ community and those with disabilities”, UK’s Permanent Representatives to WTO and UN in Geneva added.

On International Migrants Day, 18 December, the United States said it has resettled more refugees than any other country in the world, welcoming more than 3.5 million refugees into communities across the country since 1975.

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in a statement to celebrate the day said further that immigrants make tremendous social and economic contributions that drive the nation’s competitiveness and innovation on the global stage.

He noted that the United States has led the largest expansion in decades of lawful migration pathways to help vulnerable migrants, refugees, and other displaced persons, commended other countries that are likewise expanding regular pathways, creating safe options for migrants while respecting national sovereignty and security. 

Blinken added that worldwide, the United States is the largest single provider of humanitarian assistance reaching people in need, including refugees, conflict victims, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, and vulnerable migrants. 

“In FY 2023, the United States provided nearly $15 billion in life-saving humanitarian assistance. Together with our partners we are working toward a future where migration is a safe, regular, voluntary, and informed choice”, Secretary of state said.

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