UK to deliver tax cut for 27m people as part of 2024 resolution

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak has said that the United Kingdom in just last few weeks, made an incredible £60 billion of investment and his New Year’s resolution is to keep driving forward, revealing that in six days’ time, his government will deliver a tax cut for 27 million people, worth on average £450.

Sunak disclosed this in his New Year message to the British people on Sunday while looking back on a pretty momentous year, he said his government have delivered record funding for National Health Scheme NHS and social care, adding that schools in England are surging up the global league tables.  

According to him, “We’re getting the economy growing. We’ve cut inflation in half. We’ve delivered the biggest business tax cut in modern British history. Inflation is set to fall further, cutting the cost of living for everyone. And we’re not stopping there”.

The Prime Minister vowed that in 2024, his government will further grow the economy by reducing debt, cutting taxes, rewarding hard work, building secure supplies of energy here at home, backing British business and delivering world class education.

“And we’re taking decisive action to stop the boats and break the business model of the criminal gangs. From our incredible armed forces and NHS staff who take care of all of us. To our tech experts, scientists innovators who are putting our economy at the global cutting edge. 

“We should look forward full of pride and optimism for what we can do together to build a brighter future for everyone. That’s what I’m determined to do, and I wish you all a very happy 2024”, the Prime Minister said.

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