UN: IPCC’s evidence on Climate change, action convincing, irrefutable

The United Nations has hailed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for putting forward evidence on how people and planet are being rocked by climate destruction.

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres who made the commendation at the 58th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in interlaken, Switzerland on Monday.

Saying with report after report, and fact upon fact, IPCC have built the case, setting out the science of climate change and the urgency for climate action. “The evidence has been clear, convincing and irrefutable.

“Now you are coming together to finalize a synthesis report based on years of work and the efforts of hundreds of scientists. This will be the first comprehensive IPCC report in nine years – and the first since the Paris Agreement on Climate Change”. 

Adding that, this could not come at a more pivotal time. “Our world is at a crossroads – and our planet is in the crosshairs. We are nearing the point of no return; of overshooting the internationally agreed limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming.

“We are at the tip of a tipping point. But it is not too late as you have shown. Your report last year clearly demonstrated it is possible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees with rapid and deep emissions reductions across all sectors of the global economy.


“And your recent reports have also underscored the need to act now. In 2021, you concluded for the first time that some of the changes to Earth’s oceans, ice and land surface were irreversible.

“And that these changes were “unequivocally” caused by human activity, overwhelmingly due to burning fossil fuels and creating unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases. 

“And in 2022, you showed that nearly half the global population is living in the danger zone of climate impacts. And that we must scale up investments in adaptation”.

UN Chief called for action, saying the facts are not in question. “But our actions are. In less than nine months, leaders will gather at COP28 for the first global stocktake to bring the world in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“They need solid, frank, detailed scientific guidance to make the right decisions for people and planet. They must understand the enormous consequences of delay and the enormous dividends from making the tough but essential choices.

“To accelerate the phasing out of fossil fuels and close the emissions gap. To race to a carbon-free, renewables future. And to secure climate justice, helping communities adapt and build resilience to the worsening impacts.

“While counting on the IPCC to do what it has always done, point the way to solutions. And show the urgent need to end global heating with cold, hard facts. UN Secretary-General added.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: admin@mediabypassnews.com
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