US announces $125m funding support for Ukraine’s energy needs

The United States Government has announced to work with Congress in programming additional $125 million in funding to support Ukraine’s energy and electricity grid against Russia’s continued attacks on utilities and other civilian infrastructure.

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken who made this known on Wednesday in statement said this funding would come from the recently passed Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023.

It was reported that since the war started in February, 2022, throughout its war against Ukraine, Russia has systematically targeted the energy grid in order to leave millions without power, water, or heat.

Blinken said, Russia, in doing so, has sought to sap Ukraine’s resilience and determination during the cold winter months. “Nevertheless, these attacks have made the Ukrainians only even more determined to persevere”, he said.

The Secretary of State noted that the additional $125 million funding will be used to acquire essential industrial equipment to maintain water supply and heating systems in and around Kyiv. 

“It is on top of already significant funds and other support to Ukraine to maintain it energy and electrical grid in all parts of the country against Russia’s illegal and brutal war”, Antony Blinken added.

Since October, Ukraine has been under intensified energy terror. There were more than nine waves of rocket or missile attacks that destroyed the critical infrastructure key facilities that generate and distribute electricity, heating, and water.

Close to one year now, Ukraine has withstood the largest full-scale military aggression in Europe since World War II, while Ukrainians have demonstrated fantastic resilience as the impact of the war is hard even to comprehend.

Thousand of Ukrainian civilians have been killed, maimed, and wounded, millions have been displaced. There are more than 5.9 million internally displaced people in Ukraine, and more than 7.8 million refugees from Ukraine have fled the country now.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: