US, Canada, others hails as Sweden become 32nd NATO member

Countries such as United States, Canada, United Kingdom have welcomed Sweden becoming North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NATO newest member on Thursday, upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the Government of the United States in Washington DC.

According to the Organization, stating that with Sweden’s accession, NATO now counts 32 countries among its members, revealed that Sweden’s flag will be raised alongside those of the other 31 Allies in a ceremony at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Monday (11 March 2024), and simultaneously at its commands across Europe and North America.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: “This is a historic day. Sweden will now take its rightful place at NATO’s table, with an equal say in shaping NATO policies decision. After 200 years of non- alignment Sweden now enjoys the protection granted under Article 5, ultimate guarantee of Allies’ freedom and security.

“Sweden brings with it capable armed forces and a first-class defence industry.  Sweden’s accession makes NATO stronger, Sweden safer and the whole Alliance more secure. The accession demonstrates that NATO’s door remains open and that every nation has the right to choose its own path.” 

United States Secretary of States, Antony Blinken in his reactions said, “No better example. But with receipt of this instrument of accession, let me be the very first to welcome Sweden as a party to Washington Treaty and the 32nd member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Blinken speaking with the Swedes Prime Minister, Ulf Kristersson said, “This has been a little bit of a road, but I think we’ve known from day one, that we would be here and now we are. This is a historic moment for Sweden. It’s historic for our Alliance, historic for the transatlantic relationship. Our NATO Alliance, our defensive alliance, is stronger and larger than it’s ever been. 

“And fundamentally our Alliance is now, as I said, both larger and stronger than it’s ever been. And we see again and again and again that everything Putin sought to prevent, he’s actually precipitated by his actions, by his aggression; and there’s no clearer example of that than Sweden becoming a member of this Alliance”. 

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau in a statement welcomed Sweden’s accession to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), he said, “Canada and Sweden are friends, partners, and now, NATO Allies. we welcome Sweden’s accession to the Alliance, where it joins 31 other Allies committed to uniting their efforts for peace, security, and collective defence.

He revealed that Canada was the first country to ratify Sweden’s accession, a testament to strong ties between peoples, the shared values, and the commitment to strengthening transatlantic security, adding that the Russia’s brutal, full-scale invasion of Ukraine shook the world.

“As Russia continues to violate human rights, attack the principles of democracy, and undermine the rules-based international order, working with Allies to uphold our common values is more important than ever and the resolve of NATO is stronger than ever.

“Canada was a founding member of NATO in 1949, and our membership to the Alliance has been a cornerstone of our security and defence policy ever since. Today, as we welcome Sweden to the Alliance, we know that together we will address the greatest challenges of our time”, Canadian Prime Minister said.

United Kingdom Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak who congratulated Sweden on the accession of NATO member said, “Today is a historic day, as Sweden becomes its 32nd member, adding that NATO is the most successful defensive alliance in history, standing as a bulwark of freedom and democracy for three quarters of a century.

Backing the UK Prime Minister’s words, the Secretary for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development, David Cameron said Sweden’s accession to NATO will make the world safer and more secure. “The Russian aggression will only see this Alliance grow stronger in the collective defence of freedom across the Euro-Atlantic. NATO’s door is open as it always has been”.

Swedes Prime Minister admitted that today is a truly historic day for his country, adding that Sweden is now member of NATO. “We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming bipartisan congressional support for Sweden’s accession, and for the strong leadership from US administration leading the way on ratification and security assurances. 

He said, “We are humble, but we are also proud. We will live up to high expectations from all NATO Allies. United we stand. Unity and solidarity will be Sweden’s guiding light as a NATO member, where we share burdens, responsibilities, and risks with other Allies.

The PM noted that Sweden has made a free, democratic, sovereign, and united choice to join NATO. “There is overwhelming support in our parliament and among our people. 

“That is a strength, both for Sweden and for the Alliance. And as a strong democracy, Sweden will stand for values in Washington Treaty, signed just a few blocks from here 75 years ago: freedom, democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law. 

“Our support to Ukraine is a fundamental part of that. Ukraine is fighting bravely for its freedom, but defending European freedom. At the same time, we are strengthening our defense and doubling the defense budget right now. From this year onwards, Sweden meets NATO’s standard of 2 percent of GDP to defense spendings. 

“This is important for NATO security, obviously, and to burden sharing. We are increasing the numbers of conscripts, strengthening civil defense, reintroducing civilian service in Sweden. We have been prepared for this task for quite a while, and I’m very pleased to take this very final step.

“Sweden is joining NATO is not the end of something. It’s a beginning of something new. I look forward to making the world safer and freer together with the United States and all other NATO Allies”, the Prime Minister added.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email: