US, EU condemns attack on Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq

The United States and European Union have condemned the attack on the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq in the early hours of July 20.

According to the statement released by US State Department Spokesman, Mathew Miller on Thursday, said freedom of peaceful assembly is an essential hallmark of democracy, but what occurred last night was an unlawful act of violence.


It was reported that early on Thursday, followers of powerful Shiite Muslim cleric and political leader Moqtada Sadr led the attack on the embassy compound, setting fire to the buildings.

This unfortunate attack came ahead of a planned Quran-burning protest in Stockholm, the second in less than a month, which the Iraqi government condemned.


The Spokesman frown at Iraqi security forces, saying it is unacceptable of them for not acting to prevent protestors from breaching the Swedish Embassy compound for a second time and damaging it.

He said United States is in contact with its Swedish partners and have offered its support. “Foreign missions should not be targets of violence.  

“We call on the Government of Iraq to honor its international obligations to protect all diplomatic missions in Iraq against any intrusion or damage, as required by international law”, Mathew Miller said.

Also, the European Union strongly condemned the attack against the Swedish Embassy in Iraq and called for the protection of diplomatic premises in Baghdad, in line with the Vienna Convention.

According to the statement released by the Commission on Thursday, while looking forward to the swift adoption of the necessary security measures by the Iraqi authorities to prevent further incidents.

And to hold the perpetrators of this attack accountable, as announced by the Iraqi Government. “We hope for a swift return to normality in relations between Iraq and Sweden”, the statement added.

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