US mourns ex-Governor, Bill Richardson who passed away at 75

The United States has expressed sadness over the passing away of former Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson on Friday September 1, 2023 at the age of 75years.

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken who on behalf of the Goverment on Saturday paid tribute, said Bill dedicated his life to public service as a Congressman, Governor of New Mexico, Ambassador to the United Nations, and Secretary of Energy.

Bill Richardson Center for Global Engagement who announced the news of the death of the ex-Governor said Richardson passed away in his sleep on Friday night at his summer home in Chatham, MA, aged 75 years old.


According to Antony Blinken’s statement: “I am saddened to learn of the passing of Governor Bill Richardson and offer my deepest condolences to his loved ones.

“Bill dedicated his life to public service as a Congressman, Governor of New Mexico, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and Secretary of Energy. After leaving government Bill continued serving others through the Richardson Center for Global Engagement.

“Where he worked tirelessly to secure the release of Americans held unjustly overseas and reunite them with their families. Whether inside or outside of government, he was driven by a fierce belief in the power of diplomacy.

“He demonstrated the value of engagement and charted an inspiring path for future generations of public servants to follow. We honor Bill’s legacy today and will carry on his work to advance the cause of diplomacy”, Blinken said.

Vice President of the Richardson Center, Mickey Bergman commented: “Governor Richardson passed away peacefully in his sleep last night. He lived his entire life in the service of others – including both his time in government and his subsequent career helping to free people held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad.

“There was no person that Governor Richardson would not speak with if it held the promise of returning a person to freedom. The world has lost a champion for those held unjustly abroad and I have lost a mentor and a dear friend”, he added.

However, Bill Richardson’s enduring legacy is post-government volunteer work, where his nonprofit foundation worked to free people who were held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad.

Since its founding in 2011, the Center has worked with over 80 families to provide them with guidance and support during the detention of their loved ones and to engage in “fringe diplomacy” to open the doors of negotiation with foreign parties to bring home those detained.

Richardson has been nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize, including this year, 2023. He has a wife, Barbara of over 50 years, who was with him when he passed.

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