US: Over $756m additional humanitarian aid for Syrian people

During the Syria Political- Humanitarian Briefing at UN Security Council recently, Ambassador Linda Thomas- Greenfield, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, has announced over $756 million additional humanitarian assistance to continue unwavering support for the Syrian people.

In a statement released by US State department, while the funding is in addition to the nearly $808 million announced by Ambassador Thomas- Greenfield in Brussels earlier in the year.

Through the generosity of the American people, the government has provided nearly $15.7 billion in humanitarian assistance since the start of the 11-year Syrian crisis.

U.S. assistance benefits many of the 14.6 million people inside Syria in need of humanitarian assistance, as well as 5.6 million Syrian refugees and generous host communities in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt.

The United States has stressed the importance of unimpeded access for humanitarian actors across all of Syria. “We support implementation of all aspects of UN Security Council Resolution 2642, including the unimpeded delivery of aid.

The UN cross-border humanitarian aid mechanism is a lifeline for millions inside Syria, its continued operation is paramount to their survival.

Cross-border deliveries ensure that life-saving aid including food, medicine, and other relief supplies reach people throughout northwest Syria, who rely on this aid to survive.

“We appreciate those countries that continue to generously welcome Syrian refugees and highlighted the danger and U.S. policy against premature or coerced refugee returns to Syria prohibited under international law.

The United States remains the world’s largest humanitarian donor to the Syrian people while the assistance announced today will support humanitarian partners providing clean water, food, hygiene and relief supplies, shelter, protection services, and critical health and nutrition assistance.

After more than a decade of conflict, the needs of displaced Syrians remain dire. The international community needs to join in ensuring continuity of funding so life-saving assistance reaches those most vulnerable.

The United States will continue working with allies and partners to achieve a solution to the Syrian conflict in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

Only a political solution can end over a decade of loss and suffering in Syria, and give all Syrians the security, stability, and prosperity they deserve. The United States’ support for the Syrian people remains steadfast.

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