US: Russia weaponizing food for suspending Black Sea Grain Initiative

The United States has accused Russia again of weaponizing food in the war it started with Ukraine over suspension of its participation in the operations of the United Nations brokered Black Sea Grain Initiative.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken who disclosed this in a statement on Saturday, said United States regrets the Russia suspension, urging all parties to keep this essential, life-saving Initiative functioning.

On 29 October, Russia announced the suspension of its participation in the implementation of the “grain agreement” allegedly because of a “terrorist attack” in Sevastopol Bay on Saturday morning.

US said any act by Russia to disrupt these critical grain exports is essentially a statement that people and families around the world should pay more for food or go hungry.

“In suspending this arrangement, Russia is again weaponizing food in the war it started, directly impacting low- and middle-income countries and global food prices, and exacerbating already dire humanitarian crises and food insecurity”.

The United States urged the Government of Russia to resume its participation in the Initiative, fully comply with the arrangement, and work to ensure that people around the world continue to be able to receive the benefits facilitated by the Initiative.

“The Black Sea Grain Initiative has already moved more than 9 million metric tons of food and brought prices down around the world, which has been critically important for low- and middle-income countries. It has been a success and must continue”, United States said.

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