US seeks UN permanent seat for Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean

The United States has joined African nations to seek consensus on significant expansion of the United Nations Security Council to include new permanent seats for countries in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. 

Vice President, Kamala Harris who made this known at the US-Africa Leaders Summit Working Launch on Multilateral Cooperation on Thursday said African countries should be represented through permanent seats at the table. 

US Vice President, Kamala Harris while making her remarks at the US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington DC on Thursday

According to her, “As President Joe Biden announced earlier today, that our administration will also seek full membership for the African Union in the G20.  And we look forward to working with the AU, the Indian G20 presidency, and other G20 members toward that end. 
“Our cooperation in multilateral institutions is vital for so many reasons, including that these are the institutions where we come together to uphold rules and norms. 

“We gather at a time when many of these international rules and norms are under threat, for example, sovereignty and territorial integrity, unimpeded commerce, and the peaceful resolution of disputes”, she said.

Adding that these rules and norms exist for a reason. “They advance security, stability, and prosperity around the world. They protect lives and livelihoods.  And when they are violated, the effects are felt globally. 

“For example, Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine has led to disruptions to food and energy supplies that affect all of our economies. 
“In light of this, we must all recommit to the rules and norms and the founding documents of the U.N. and the AU.  We must defend them, promote them, and build on them. 
“Regarding the United Nations specifically, the Biden-Harris administration has worked and will continue to work to restore and strengthen America’s participation in the U.N. 

“We will stand firmly behind the U.N. Charter and the spirit of the United Nations, which is centered around collective action to address problems that affect us all, including peace and security, public health, sustainable development, and human rights”, she said. 

Harris stated that US has heard from many of the African nations who have concerns about the ability of the United Nations to fulfill its mission. “As President Joe Biden said at this year’s General Assembly, the United States takes these concerns seriously. 

“We commit to a more inclusive, effective, and credible Security Council, which includes promoting responsible behavior by all Security Council members, such as refraining from the use of the veto, except in rare and extraordinary circumstances”.

The VP noted that the United States is a longstanding supporter of the African Union. “In 2006, the United States was the first non-African country to establish a diplomatic mission to the AU. 

“Since then, we have worked together to support peace building and prevent conflict across the continent.  We have worked to strengthen the partnership between our private sectors.  And together, our public health agencies have combated Ebola breakouts and COVID-19. 
“We also intend to strengthen the United States’ partnership with regional economic communities.  We support these regional economic communities because, of course, they help foster integration in Africa and because each region, of course, has distinct challenges and needs. 

“As you know, yesterday, during the U.S.-Africa Business Forum, the United States Trade Representative signed a memorandum of understanding with the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat to help increase intraregional trade with Africa. 

In the past two years, we have made important progress together, and we must and we will do more.  As part of this, United States is committed to working with African nations to strengthen our multilateral cooperation”, the VP said.

Oluwaseun Sonde: Managing Editor, Nigeria, a renowned journalist with multitask functionality, member of the Association of Corporate Online Editor (ACOE). Email:
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