US to impose Visa ban on election disruptors in Liberia

The United States Goverment has announced a new visa restriction policy under Section 212(a)(3)C) of Immigration and Nationality Act to those undermining democracy in Liberia.

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in a statement released on Wednesday made this while stated that the policy will take effect in advance of the upcoming election.

Recalled in August, the United States Mission in Liberia, Charge d’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez met with the National Elections Commission (NEC) Chairperson, Davidetta Browne Lansanah, and the Board of Commissioners.

The meeting which focused on the importance of holding a free, fair, and peaceful election in Liberia on October 10.

NEC Commissioners were clear that procedures would be followed during the election and tallying processes adding that observers would have free and open access to polling stations to ensure process is credible and transparent.

The United States govt and the NEC Liberia are committed to successful election process in compliance with international standards for all Liberian citizens.

According to the statement, “Under this policy, the United States will pursue visa restrictions for those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining democracy in Liberia, including via manipulation or rigging of electoral process.

“Use of violence to prevent people from exercising their rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly; use of measures designed to prevent political parties, voters, civil society, media to disseminating their views; or engagement in any other activity designed to improperly influence the outcome of an election.

“Certain family members of such persons may also be subject to these restrictions. Persons who undermine democracy in Liberia—including in the lead-up to, during, and following Liberia’s 2023 elections—may be found ineligible for U.S. visas under this policy”.

He stated further that the visa restriction policy announced will apply to specific individuals and is not directed at the Liberian people or the Government of Liberia.

“The decision to impose visa restrictions reflects the commitment of the United States to support Liberians’ aspirations to have free and fair elections that demonstrate the will of the people and strengthen democracy and the rule of law”, the Secretary of State said.

Meanwhile, the Government of Liberia welcomed the latest United States Government visa restriction policy intended to target those who undermine democracy in Liberia.

In a statement released by Information Ministry stated that this policy, the govt believed, further reinforces President George Weah’s expressed commitment to building a more democratic society – grounded in respect for the rule of law, free expression, and association, as well as the holding of free and fair elections.

Adding that this was the central theme of his address to the UN General Assembly last week and during various conversations with U.S. stakeholders – including U.S. Charge d’Affairs Catherine RODRIGUEZ.

While noted that the Government believes the U.S. statement, coming at a time when incendiary rhetoric by politicians have been on the rise, will aid its efforts to calm public anxiety around the upcoming democratic exercise.

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