US welcomes Obasanjo’s visit to Ethiopia to implement peace process 

The United States has welcomed the visitation of the African Union High Representative to Horn of Africa and former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo to northern Ethiopia to discuss the implementation of the peace process to settle the conflict between the government and Tigraya’s region.

According to the US Embassy in Ethiopia on its social media platform on Saturday supporting the African Union and Obasanjo’s focus on “issues of human rights and how to get them all settled, so that peace, security, stability, progress and the welfare and well-being of all the people of Ethiopia can be ensured.”

AU High Representative, Obasanjo, the former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta and the former South African Deputy President, Dr. Phumuzile Mlalmbo the three African mediators during the peace talks in South Africa, visited the capital of Tigray Regional State on 24 November, 2022. 

Where they met and discussed with senior leaderships of the Regional State as well as representatives of religious institutions on the progress of implementation of the peace deal, Obasanjo told the leadership of the region that “no country should accept the presence of foreign country on its land.”

He also said the visit of the delegation to Mekelle was to see how best the issues that were raised during the meetings in Pretoria and Nairobi, and the ones that were not raised, such as issues of bringing about substance.

“Issues of human rights and how to get them all settled, so that peace, security, stability, progress and the welfare and well-bieng of people, all the people of Ethiopia can be ensured”, the AU High Representative to Horn of Africa, Obasanjo added.

Obasanjo stated further that, “All along, these issues, among others, have been issues that we have been talking about, we have been working on; the issues of foreign troops. No country should accept the presence of foreign county on its land” 

He said that all issues have been raised and discussed during the peace talks in Pretoria and the follow up meeting between senior military leaders of both sides in Nairobi recently. “These issues came up for discussion and [the] way out”, Obasanjo said.

Recall that a momentous step was taken in Pretoria, South Africa on Wednesday 2rd November, 2022 to advance African Union’s campaign to “silence the guns” with the signing of a cessation of hostilities between Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.

South Africa played host in the peace talks between the government of Ethiopia and Tigrayan regional authorities facilitated by the African Union Commission over the conflict that have been going on for over a year in the Tigraya’s region of Ethiopia.

Which millions have been displaced with brutal attacks on civilians. Report says it soaring death toll, deliberate attacks on infrastructure And little hope of a negotiated exit as Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region is enduring probably the most brutal and deadly war being waged.

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