Why Political solution only way out of Syrian crisis – US, 13 others

United States and thirteen other countries have reaffirmed their commitment to reaching political solution to Syrian crisis, through United Nations Security Council resolution 2254, includes continued support for implementing, sustaining an immediate nation-wide ceasefire.

In a joint statement released by the Representatives of these countries, consist of Arab League, Egypt, the European Union, France, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, the United Kingdom, and the United States met August 30-31 at the envoy level in Geneva to discuss the crisis in Syria.

These countries reiterated the need to create secure conditions for the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons, consistent with UNHCR standards; and support the provision of sufficient and sustainable aid to displaced and their host countries and communities until such conditions are in place.

Also noted with concern the continuing threat posed by Daesh and reiterated our commitment to the mission of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, and to the fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

While called on all parties, in particular the government-nominated bloc, to resume meetings of the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned Constitutional Committee under UN auspices in Geneva and to advance an inclusive political solution that will protect the territorial integrity, unity, and sovereignty of Syria and the rights and dignity of all Syrians.

According to these countries, “We reiterated that there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis and reaffirmed our continued support of UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen and his tireless efforts to advance a UN-facilitated political process consistent with UNSC resolution 2254.

“We remain deeply concerned about the dire humanitarian situation in Syria and the ongoing suffering of the Syrian people”, they added

These countries emphasized the importance of continuing to provide life-saving and early recovery humanitarian assistance across Syria through modalities, including expansion and extension of the UNSC resolution 2642 cross-border aid mechanism, for which there is no alternative that can match its scope and scale.

They further underlined the need for necessity to continue to press for accountability for all atrocities and international crimes perpetrated in Syria, including the use of chemical weapons, as well as to press for a full accounting of the missing.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Ministry has reiterated that what Syria witnessed during the past years was the result of the West’s interference in its internal affairs and the West’s support for terrorism inside its territory, according to Syria Arab News Agenc (SANA).

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani made this known during a weekly press conference recently that Syria has achieved victory over terrorism and it has been overcoming the crisis thanks to the steadfastness of its people and the heroism of its army.

Syria also proved to the whole world that it is able to rise again in all fields, especially in the economic sector, Kanaani added, pointing to the solid and deep-rooted relations binding the two countries and the need to strengthen them.

On the other hand, regarding the nuclear file, Kanaani affirmed that his country will not accept attritional negotiations and will not give up its red lines and the supreme interests of its people, pointing out that America follows a policy of procrastination.

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