World leaders celebrates Lula Da Silva’s election as Brazilian President

World leaders have sent their congratulatory messages to the just elected Brazilian President, Lula Da Silva defeated the Present President, Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday to win a third term leading region’s largest country.

Reports gathered stated that Lula received 50.90 percent of the vote, vs. Bolsonaro’s 49.10 percent, with 100 percent of votes counted Sunday night, returning to power on pledges to defend democracy, restore social justice and save the Amazon rainforest.

According to reports, Lula told supporters that he will govern for 215 million Brazilians, and not only those who voted for him. “There are not two Brazils. We are one people, one great nation,” he said.

American President, Joe Biden on Twitter, congratulated Lula Da Silva for winning the election which he described as free and fair and credible elections.

Biden said he is looking forward to working with the elected President to continue the cooperation between the two countries in the months and years ahead.

The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau said on Twitter: “The people of Brazil have spoken.

“I’m looking forward to working with Lula to strengthen the partnership between our countries, to deliver results for Canadians and Brazilians, and to advance shared priorities like protecting the environment. Congratulations, Lula”, Trudeau said.

Also United Kingdom Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak congratulated the elected Brazilian President, Lula Da Silva on Twitter.

Adding that he is forward to working together on the issues that matter to the UK and Brazil, from growing the global economy to protecting the planet’s natural resources and promoting democratic values.

European Commission President, Ursula Von der leyen tweeted, “Congratulations, @LulaOficial, on your election as President of Brazil. I look forward to working with you to address pressing global challenges, from food security to trade and climate change”.

South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa also Congratulated Mr Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on his successful election to the position of President of the Republic of Brazil.

Ramaphosa said, “South Africa looks forward to working with the government of Brazil under the leadership of Mr da Silva”.

Stress further that the two countries share number of common challenges and aspirations, and “we cooperate at various levels including BRICS and numerous country-to-country, inter-regional and global mechanisms.

“We also congratulate the people of Brazil for the successful manner in which they have conducted this election”, South African President added.

Brazilian leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva narrowly defeated President Jair Bolsonaro in a runoff election, but the far right incumbent did not concede defeat on Sunday night, raising concerns that he might contest the result.

The Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) declared Lula the next president, with 50.9% of votes against 49.1% for Bolsonaro, while the 77-year-old Lula’s inauguration is scheduled for 1 January, 2023.

Lula’s win consolidates a new “pink tide” in Latin America, after landmark leftist victories in Colombia and Chile’s elections, echoing a regional political shift two decades ago that introduced Lula to the world stage.

He has vowed a return to state-driven economic growth and social policies that helped lift millions out of poverty during two terms as president from 2003 to 2010.

He also promised to combat destruction of the Amazon rainforest, now at a 15-year high, and make Brazil a leader in global climate talks, according to reports.

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