Over 2,000 properties reportedly flooded by Storm Babet in England

The United Kingdom Government has estimated that total number of properties reported to have been flooded stands at 2,146 with number of deaths during the Storm Babet that happened in England recently

According to the publication by the Environment Agency on Friday stated that nearly 100,000 properties were protected during the flooding caused by this Storm Babet, while the threat of flooding remains.

The Agency said futher that as of 18:00pm on Friday 27 October there are 16 flood warnings, meaning that flooding is expected, and 75 flood alerts, meaning that flooding is possible, and this number is likely to rise again over the weekend.

It was added that estimated 96,000 properties have been protected and as part of the EA’s response to flooding caused by Storm Babet, twenty high volume pumps and five small volume pumps were deployed across several sites.

The Agency revealed that the EA’s flood warning service sent out over 300,000 messages by email, telephone and text during Storm Babet while the immediate threat from Storm Babet has passed, heavy rainfall over the weekend means that significant river.

“And surface water flooding is possible, but not expected, in parts of South East England on Saturday and Sunday. Large waves and spring tides also mean that coastal flooding impacts are probable for parts of the south coast over the weekend.

Flood Duty Manager at the Environment Agency, Dan Bond said, flood defences, the work of Agency staff have helped to protected nearly 100,000 properties from flooding during Storm Babet, while the total number of properties sadly reported to have flooded is 2,146.

“However the threat of flooding remains. Large waves and spring tides mean that minor flooding impacts are probable for parts of the South West of England on Saturday.

“And heavy rainfall across sensitive river catchments means that significant river and surface water flooding is possible, but not expected, in parts of South East England on Saturday and Sunday.

While advised that people should to take extreme care on coastal paths and promenades, stay away from swollen rivers and urge people not to drive through flood water as just 30cm of flowing water is enough to move your car.

Meanwhile, the Environment Agency has worked round the clock with its partners to help reduce the risk. “Teams operated flood defences, flood storage reservoirs and put up temporary barriers where needed to help protect communities.

“The Government has also announced that support will be available to areas in England that have experienced exceptional localised flooding through the activation of the Flood Recovery Framework scheme.

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